Tilkynning til barnaverndaržjónustunnar į Noršurlandi eystra - almenningur / A report to the Child protection committee of Noršurland eystra - private citizens

Tilkynning til Barnaverndaržjónustunnar į Noršurlandi eystra žegar įstęša er til aš ętla aš barn bśi viš óvišunandi uppeldisašstęšur, verši fyrir įreitni, ofbeldi eša stofni heilsu sinni og žroska ķ alvarlega hęttu. (skv. 16. gr. barnaverndarlaga
A report to the Child protection committee of Noršurland eystra when there is reason to believe that a child is living in inappropriate upbringing conditions, is experiencing harassment, violence or is seriously endangering its own health and development (acc. Child protection act's 16th article)

Skv. barnaverndarlögum er hverjum žeim sem hefur įstęšu til aš ętla aš barn bśi viš ofbeldi eša vanrękslu skylt aš tilkynna žaš til barnaverndarnefndar. Einstaklingar yngri en 18 įra teljast börn. Lögin eiga einnig viš um ófędd börn t.d. ef žeim stafar hętta af vķmuefnaneyslu móšur eša af ofbeldi sem móšir veršur fyrir.
According to the Child protection act, a person who has reason to believe a child is experiencing violence or is being neglected has a duty to report the situation to the Child protection committee. Individuals younger than 18 years of age are considered to be children. The laws cover unborn children, e.g. if they are endangered by the mother's dug use or by violence the mother is being subjected to.

Tilkynnandi skal ķ öllum tilfellum segja til nafns og aš auki gera grein fyrir netfangi og sķmanśmeri ef žörf er į frekari upplżsingum. Óski tilkynnandi nafnleyndar hafa starfsmenn barnaverndar ašeins upplżsingar um tilkynnanda en ekki sį sem tilkynnt er um.
The notifier must in all instances include their name and provide their e-mail address and phone number if further information needs to be obtained. If the notifier requests to stay anonymous Child protection services' employees have access to their information, but reportee will not.

Ef mįliš žolir ekki biš skal hafa samband sķmleišis viš 112. Bakvakt Barnaverndaržjónustunnar į Noršurlandi eystra sinnir neyšartilvikum utan skrifstofutķma. Skrifstofutķmi er kl. 9:00-15:00 og hęgt er aš nį ķ Barnavernd ķ gegnum sķmanśmer fjölskyldusvišs: 460-1420.
If the child is in immediate danger you must call 112. the Child protection committee of Noršurland eystra has employees on call outside normal office hours for emergency situations. Office hours are from 9:00-15:00 and Child protection services may be contacted via the Division of Welfare's phone number: +354 460 1420.



Upplżsingar um tilkynnanda / Your information


Upplżsingar um barn / Information about the child


Upplżsingar um forsjįrašila / Information about guardian


Įstęša tilkynningar / What is the reason for sending this report

Vanręksla / Negligence
Ofbeldi / Violence
Įhęttuhegšun barns / A child's risk taking behaviour
Heilsa eša lķf ófędds barns ķ hęttu / An unborn child's health or life is in danger

Ķ reitunum fyrir nešan er svo hęgt aš merkja nįnar / You may fill in the fields below to provide more details

Lķkamleg vanręksla / Physical negligence

Vanręksla varšandi umsjón og eftirlit / Negligence regarding care and supervision

Foreldrar ķ įfengis- og fķkniefnaneyslu / Parents' consumption of alcohol and drugs

Vanręksla varšandi nįm / Negligence regarding education

Tilfinningaleg vanręksla / Emotional negligence

Tilfinningalegt/sįlręnt ofbeldi /Emotional/psychological violence

Heimilisofbeldi / Domestic violence

Lķkamlegt ofbeldi / Physical violence

Kynferšislegt ofbeldi / Sexual violence

ATHUGIŠ: Sé grunur um ofbeldi af hįlfu nįins ašstandanda skal ekki greina žeim eša forsjįrašilum frį tilkynningunni. ATTENTION: If a close relative or family friend is suspected of violence neither they nor the child's guardians should be made aware of this report.

Neysla barns į vķmuefnum / the child is using drugs

Barn stefnir eigin heilsu og žroska ķ hęttu / The child is endangering its own health or development

Afbrot barns / The child violates the law

Barn beitir ofbeldi / The child shows violent behavior

Erfišleikar barns ķ skóla, skólasókn įfįtt / The child struggles at school, school attendance is lacking


Ath! Nįnari upplżsingar um skilgreiningar- og flokkunarkerfi ķ barnavernd mį lesa hér / Attention! Further information regarding Child protection services? classification and definition systems may be found here (in Icelandic).

Jį /Yes
Nei / No